Lectures E

E1 - Monday morning
Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation

Chairpersons: R. A.de Graaf, M. Marek

E1.1     8:30   Keynote lecture: Are micro-reactors inherently safe?. R. A. de Graaf (Akzo Nobel Technol.& Eng., Deventer, NL) [1054]

E1.2     9:10   Flow and mixing characteristics of Y-shaped plate static mixer generating multilamination of fluid layers by splitting and inverse recombination. *Y. Hirata, K. Ohkawa1, Y. Inoue (Osaka Univ., Toyonaka, JP; 1Astellas Pharma, Takahagi, JP) [832]

E1.3     9:30   Experimental investigation of bubble formation in micro-devices. *N. Dietrich, S. Poncin, H.-Z. Li (CNRS ENSIC, Nancy, FR) [427]

E1.4     9:50   Microreactor for VOC treatment by catalytic oxidation over platinum. *F. Z. Rachedi, R. Guilet, P. Cognet, J. Tasseli, A. Marty, A. Van Veen2, C. Mirodatos2 (Univ. P. Sabatier, Toulouse, FR; 2Inst. Rech. Catal. Envir., Villeurbanne, FR) [1537]

E2 - Monday afternoon
Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation

Chairpersons: M. Přibyl, Y. Hirata

E2.1   14:00   Detection of bioaffinity complexes in microchannels by fluorescence techniques. *W. Schrott, L. Pecháčková, Z. Slouka, M. Přibyl (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [576]

E2.2   14:20   Performing esterification in a microreactor, the first and immediate principles. *M. R. Rönnholm, K. Eränen, J. Wärnå, P. Mäki-Arvela, D. Y. Murzin, T. Salmi (Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI) [993]

E2.3   14:40   Strategy for the development of a novel microstructured reactor. *J. Hukkamäki, W. Ratchananusorn, I. Turunen (Lappeenranta Univ. Technol., FI) [1439]

E2.4   15:00   pH Control in miniaturized intensified systems. *R. Barzin, S. R. Abd Shukor, A. L. Ahmad (Univ. Sains Malaysia, Penang, MY) [379]

15:20   Coffee break, poster session

E2.5   16:20   Aspects of process intensification in heterogeneously catalysed multiphase systems. *P. Pfeifer, F. Özkan, O. Görke, B. Fumey1, C. de Bellefon1, K. Schubert (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, DE; 1CNRS-CPE, Villeurbanne, FR) [475]

E2.7   16:40   Mathematical modelling of a microwave reactor. *B. Toukoniitty, J.-P. Mikkola, J. Wärnå, M. Helle, H. Saxén, T. Salmi, D. Y. Murzin (Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI) [210]

E2.8   17:00   Process intensification in disperse reaction systems using micro reaction technology – ionic liquid synthesis. *D. A. Waterkamp, J. Thöming (Univ. Bremen, DE) [733]

E2.9   17:20   Process intensification in cyclohexanol production: a novel integrated process scheme. *A. M. Katariya, F. Steyer, H. Freund, K. Sundmacher1 (Max-Planck-Inst., Magdeburg, DE; 1Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE) [732]

E2.10   17:40   Intensifying propionic acid recovery through implementation of PI methodology. A. Keshav, S. Chand, *K. L. Wasewar (Indian Inst. Technol., Roorkee, IN) [292]

E2.11   18:00   Lipase-catalyzed isoamyl acetate synthesis in a microreactor with ionic liquid as a reaction media. *P. Žnidaršič-Plazl, A. Pohar, I. Plazl (Univ. Ljubljana, SI) [610]

E3 - Tuesday morning
Symposium on safety in chemical industry

Chairpersons: J. Horák, F. Babinec

E3.1     8:30   Keynote lecture: Hazard analysis in chemical plants as chemical engineering activity. J. Horák (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1394]

E3.2     9:10   Using SIR (Sustainability Integrative Reporting) for optimizing SHE. *G. L. L. Reniers, M. De Prins1 (Univ. Antwerpen, BE; 1CEDON, Brussels, BE) [37]

E3.3     9:30   fRisk assessment in chemical industry. *A. S. Markowski, M. S. Mannan1 (Tech. Univ., Lodz, PL; 1Texas A&M Univ., College Station TX, US) [1122]

E3.4     9:50   Advances in inherent safety guidance. D. A. Moore (AcuTech, Alexandria VA, US) [1018]

E3.5   10:10   Contrasts in US and European chemical security regulations. *D. A. Moore, J. Castle1 (AcuTech, Alexandria VA, US; 1Corp. Exec. Solutions Ltd., Rochester, UK) [1101]

E4 - Tuesday afternoon
Symposium on safety in chemical industry

Chairpersons: C. de Santis, G. Suter

E4.1   14:00   Keynote lecture: Safety Culture: “black art” or “paradigm shift”?. *C. De Santis, E. Mitchell, P. Hudson, M. Lawrie, C. Shelton, D. Rose, A. van Bergen, D. Chadwick-Jones, D. Sortland (BP plc, Sunbury-on-Thames, UK) [260]

E4.2   14:40   Impact of the sulphur dioxide emission reduction on process risk in refineries. *A. Cieslak, T. Borkowski1 (Tech. Univ., Lodz, PL; 1PKN Orlen, Plock, PL) [1130]

E4.3   15:00   Initiation and mechanism of carbon filter fires. A. F. Medina, *M. S. Mannan1, H. H. West1, W. J. Rogers1, R. J. Solano, C. Aiello (Univ. Zulia, Maracaibo, VE; 1Texas A&M Univ., College Station TX, US) [1064]

15:20   Coffee break, poster session

E4.4   16:20   Hazard identification by a computer tool based on the HAZOP model approach. J. Labovský, *Ľ. Jelemenský (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [1573]

E4.5   16:40   Development directions of the environmentally sound technologies in surface treatment of metals. A. Nakonieczny, *E. Rubel (Inst. Prec. Mech., Warszawa, PL) [318]

E4.6   17:00   CFD modelling of dispersion for emergency preparedness and response. M. Kiša, *Ľ. Jelemenský (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [1572]

E4.7   17:20   Simultaneous pool fires modeling using the combination of semi-empirical and CFD tools. *B. Abdolhamidzadeh, D. Rashtchian (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [360]

E4.8   17:40   Study of burning rate in Iran curd oil pool fire and effect of thin-layer boilover. *M. Mansooji, A. Zaringhalam Moghadam (Tarbiat Modarres Univ., Tehran, IR) [307]

E5 - Wednesday morning
IMPULSE Workshop

Chairpersons: M. Matlosz, K. Wall

E5.1     8:30   Keynote lecture: Multiscale design: methods and tools for the sustainable chemical industry of the future. M. Matlosz (ENSIC, Nancy, FR) [1580]

E5.2     9:10   Generic learning from the IMPULSE project in the area scale-out concepts in chemical micro process engineering. *P. Löb, V. Hessel, B. Werner (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE) [439]

E5.3     9:30   A methodology for multiscale process design. *S. Davison, I. Houson, J. M. Double, M. C. Talford, B. Gourlay1, K. Wall2, P. N. Sharratt2 (Britest Ltd., Runcorn, UK; 1NPIL Pharmaceuticals, Huddersfield, UK; 2Univ. Manchester, UK) [264]

E5.4     9:50   Equipment selection within the IMPULSE multiscale process design framework. *J. M. Double, M. C. Talford, K. Wall1, C. Rathi1 (Britest Ltd., Runcorn, UK; 1Univ. Manchester, UK) [460]

10:10   Coffee break, poster session

E5.5   10:40   Sustainable intensification/miniaturization through multi-scale structuring: the scientific rationale. *J. M. Commenge, L. Falk, M. Matlosz (CNRS ENSIC, Nancy, FR) [450]

E5.6   11:00   Risk exposure: a multi-dimensional metric for use in design. *K. Wall, P. N. Sharratt (Univ. Manchester, UK) [305]

E5.7   11:20   The IMPULSE training unit for multiscale design. T. Bayer, *D. Kadzimirsz, M. Kinzl, G. Müller (Siemens AG, Höchst, DE) [1751]

E5.8   11:40   Guidance on safety/health for process intensification including MS-design – analysis of thermo chemical hazards. *F. Westphal, W. Benaïssa1, O. Klais2 (Siemens AG, Höchst, DE; 1INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte, FR; 2Dechema, Frankfurt/M, DE) [922]

E5.9   12:00   Risk analysis and safety methodology applied to intensified processes and multi-scale equipment. *W. Benaïssa, B. Affeltranger, F. Westphal1, O. Klais2 (INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte, FR; 1Siemens AG, Höchst, DE; 2Dechema, Frankfurt/M, DE) [923]

E6 - Wednesday afternoon
IMPULSE Workshop

Chairpersons: J. M. Double, R. Pohorecki

E6.1   14:00   Hydrodynamic characterization of electrochemical microreactor. *J. Křišťál, J. Havlica, V. Jiřičný (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [494]

E6.2   14:20   Thermo-hydrodynamics characterisation of microstructured heat exchangers. *M. Saber, J. M. Commenge, L. Falk (CNRS ENSIC, Nancy, FR) [454]

E6.3   14:40   Characterisation of mixing devices – the iodide-iodate reaction method: influence of the reactant concentrations. *A. Kölbl, M. Kraut, K. Schubert (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, DE) [1104]

E6.4   15:00   Sulfur dioxide oxidation reactor with internal heat profile for a one-step synthesis of sulfur trioxide. *K. Haas-Santo, M. Kraut, P. Pfeifer, M. Bernauer1, V. Fíla1, K. Schubert (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, DE; 1Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [529]

15:20   Coffee break, poster session

E6.5   16:20   Experimental study of emulsification in micromixers. *H. Debas, S. Poncin, C. Gentric, M. Kraut1, P. Löb2, A. Simoncelli3, H.-Z. Li (CNRS ENSIC, Nancy, FR; 1Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, DE; 2Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 3Procter&Gamble Co., Strombeek-Bever, BE) [428]

E6.6   16:40   Business decision support for intensified processes and multi-scale equipment with particular emphasis on the Health Safety and Environmental aspects. *B. Affeltranger, I. Houson1 (INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte, FR; 1Britest Ltd., Runcorn, UK) [559]

E6.7   17:00   New pressure sensor for applications in micro chemical engineering. *A. Steckenborn, J. Křišťál1, T. Kares1, V. Jiřičný1, P. Sichler2, P. Krause2 (Siemens AG, Berlin, DE; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 2First Sensor Technology GmbH, Berlin, DE) [1267]

E7 - Thursday morning
Pharmaceutical engineering

Chairpersons: F. Štěpánek, P. Zámostný

E7.1     8:30   Keynote lecture: Modeling for development and scale-up of pharmaceutical unit operations. P. Rajniak (Merck&Co., West Point PA, US) [1373]

E7.2     9:10   Investigation of PVA/PAA molecular imprinting hydrogels as drug delivery systems . *M. Stannek, H.-J. Bart (Tech. Univ., Kaiserslautern, DE) [187]

E7.3     9:30   Development of chiral heterogeneous titanocenes for the synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates. *H. Gruber-Wölfler, R. Eder, B. Wilding, I. Pflueger, G. Schider, J. Khinast (Graz Univ. Technol., AT) [842]

E7.4     9:50   Swelling characteristics of poly(NIPAAm) using confocal Raman microscopy. *A. Naddaf, H.-J. Bart (Tech. Univ., Kaiserslautern, DE) [168]

10:10   Coffee break, poster session

E7.5   10:40   Mathematical modelling and spectroscopic imaging of multi-component tablet dissolution. *J. Kimber, S. G. Kazarian, F. Štěpánek (Imperial Coll., London, UK) [1141]

E7.6   11:00   Compaction of pharmaceutical tablets studied by FTIR spectroscopic imaging. *P. Wray, S. G. Kazarian (Imperial Coll., London, UK) [1200]

E7.7   11:20   Effect of mixture properties and mixing parameters on pharmaceutical powder homogenization. *P. Zámostný, Z. Bělohlav, P. Durdil2, J. Hanika1, D. Jašprová2, L. Jezerská, V. Tomášek2 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 2Zentiva, Praha, CZ) [1203]

E7.8   11:40   Effects of shear rate and strain on powder blend and tablet properties. *M. Llusa, F. Muzzio (Rutgers Univ., Piscataway NJ, US) [1508]

E7.9   12:00   Quantifying the effects of additives, lubricant, and processing conditions on the flow properties of pharmaceutical formulations using a novel instrument. *F. Muzzio, M. Llusa, K. Pingali (Rutgers Univ., Piscataway NJ, US) [1530]

E7.10   12:20   Electrospray: novel fabrication method for biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles. *A. Zarrabi, M. Vossoughi, I. Alemzadeh, A. Khosravi1 (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Tarbiat Modarres Univ., Tehran, IR) [216]

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