15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering
25 - 29 August 2002
Praha, Czech Republic

Lectures I

I1 - Monday morning
CAETS Symposium of synergies of various engineering branches

Moderation and introductory lecture. J. Koubek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ)

Keynote lecture: The role of interdisciplinary co-operation in the history and perspectives of chemical industry. J. Horak (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ)

Engineering achievements of the 20th Century and challenges for the 21st. W. A. Wulf (President, Nat. Acad. Eng., US)

Nanotechnology: The challenge for the educators. G. Tegart (Victoria Univ. Technol., Melbourne, AU)

The China's greatest achievements of engineering and technological sciences in the 20th Century. Song Jian (Chinese Acad. Eng., CN)

Collaboration between universities and industry. A. Broers (Univ. Cambridge, UK)

Czech national program of targeted research in the European context. K. Klusacek (Technol. Center, Czech Acad. Sci., Praha, CZ)

I2 - Monday afternoon
Chemical engineering education

Chairmen: V. Machon, M. Molzahn

I2.1   14:00   Keynote lecture: Chemical engineering education: outcomes and customers. *Grant C. D., Dickson B. R. (Univ. Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK) [1257]

I2.2   14:40   Chemical engineering education - the Australian and New Zealand way. *Wood D. G., Shallcross D. C. (Univ. Melbourne, AU) [67]

I2.3   15:00   New relationship between chemistry and chemical engineering : current evolvements in Toulouse. *Wilhelm A.-M., Duverneuil P., Casamatta G. (ENSIACET, Toulouse, FR) [1353]

15:20   Coffee break and poster session

I2.4   16:00   Creation of multimedia education courses in the pharmaceutics area. *Shishulin D. V., Menshutina N. V., Avramenko G. A., Leuenberger H.1, Gordeev L. S. (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU; 1Univ. Basel, CH) [741]

I2.5   16:20   Developing an Internet course: dynamic modelling and simulation of chemical engineering and bioengineering processes. Dunn I. J., *Prenosil J. E. (Swiss Fed. Inst. Technol., Zurich, CH) [1342]

I2.6   16:40   Chemical reaction engineering undergraduate experiments. De Silva F. A., *Portugal I. (Univ. Aveiro, PT) [1202]

I2.7   17:00   "IASU General Test" - Information control system academic process for institutions of higher education. *Statyukha G., Kvitka A., Petrovskiy V. (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kyiv, UA) [949]

I2.8   17:20   Expanded excel used for balancing of process lines. *Sisler M., Skrivanek J., Ditl P. (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1082]

I3 - Tuesday morning
PRES 2002

Chairmen: R. Smith, M. Sorin

I3.1     9:40   Keynote lecture: Development and integration of advanced heat exchangers and process control for high energy efficient distillation columns and separation processes. *Thonon T. (CEA, Grenoble, FR) [1242]

I3.2   10:20   Scale-up or scale-out?. *Brennan D. J. (Monash Univ., Clayton Vic., AU) [659]

I3.3   10:40   Possible approach for optimum selection of utility systems. *Martinak P., Stehlik P., Bebar L. (Tech. Univ., Brno, CZ) [813]

11:00   Coffee break

I3.4   11:30   A methodology for improving heat exchanger network operation. Rodera H., Westphalen D., Shethna H. K., *Brodkorb M. (Hyprotech Ltd., Calgary, CA) [383]

I3.5   11:50   Design of optimal flexible heat recovery systems using evolutionary programming. *Pettersson F., Soderman J. (Abo Akademi Univ., FI) [839]

I3.6   12:10   Synthesis method for tankage treatment. *Halasz L., Nagy A. B., Friedler F. (Univ. Veszprem, HU) [585]

I4 - Tuesday afternoon
PRES 2002

Chairmen: J. Jelinek, B. Kalitventzeff

I4.1   14:00   Keynote lecture: Factors associated with fouling in the process industry. *Kukulka D. J., Baier R. E., Mollendorf J. C. (State Univ. New York, Buffalo NY, US) [464]

I4.2   14:40   Local linear models for nonlinear model predictive control of a reactive distillation column. *Dadhe K., Gesthuisen R., Engell S. (Univ. Dortmund, DE) [1074]

I4.3   15:00   Hydrodynamic diagnosis of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger using tracer. *Albaric M., Jallut C.1, Bandelier P. (CEA, Grenoble, FR; 1ESCPE, Lyon, FR) [1072]

15:20   Coffee break and poster session

I4.4   16:00   The simulation of multicomponent mixtures condensation in plate condensers. Tovazhnyansky L. L., *Kapustenko P. O., Nagorna O. G., Perevertaylenko O. Y. (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA) [601]

I4.5   16:20   Equilibria in limestone based FGD process - magnesium addition. *Michalski J. A. (Inst. Phys. Chem., Warszawa, PL) [181]

I4.6   16:40   What and how to execute the overall management in the complex chemical plants. *Kim Young Ho (Eng. Manuf. Consult., Koyang, KR) [1158]

I4.7   17:00   Optimal design of crude fractionation units and new technologies to improve distillation yield. Ji Shuncheng, *Bagajewicz M. (Univ. Oklahoma, Norman OK, US) [540]

I5 - Wednesday morning
PRES 2002

Chairmen: K. Urbaniec, G. Vaccari

I5.1     9:40   Keynote lecture: Financial risk management in planning under uncertainty. Barbaro A. F., *Bagajewicz M. B., Koppol A. P. (Univ. Oklahoma, Norman OK, US) [1516]

I5.2   10:20   Revamp of rectification section in styrene unit for higher capacity and efficiency. *Jelinek J. (Koch-Glitsch a.s., Brno, CZ) [158]

I5.3   10:40   Supply chain optimization of refinery. *Wenkai Li, Hui Chi-Wai, Hua Ben1 (Hong Kong Univ. Sci. Technol., CN; 1South China Univ. Technol., Guangzhou, CN) [199]

11:00   Coffee break

I5.4   11:30   Cost estimation procedures for process integration retrofit studies. Taal M., *Klemes J., Martinak P.1, Stehlik P.1 (UMIST, Manchester, UK; 1Tech. Univ., Brno, CZ) [131]

I5.5   11:50   Physico chemical characterization and kinetic modeling of liquid fuels and surrogates. *Ranzi E., Del Rosso R., Pierucci S., Granata S. (Politecnico, Milano, IT) [367]

I5.6   12:10   On the integrated management of industrial resources incorporating finances. *Zhelev T. K. (Univ. Durban-Westville, ZA) [285]

I6 - Wednesday afternoon
PRES 2002

Chairmen: P. O. Kapustenko, H. Singh

I6.1   14:00   Keynote lecture: Rigorous super-structure in action. *Ercsey Z., Kovacs Z.1, Friedler F., Fan L. T.2 (Univ. Veszprem, HU; 1Univ. Szeged, HU; 2Kansas Univ., Manhattan KS, US) [879]

I6.2   14:40   Environmental analysis of gasoline blending components through their life cycle. *Mata T. M., Smith R. L.1, Young D. M.1, Costa C. A. V. (Univ. Porto, PT; 1US EPA, Cincinnati OH, US) [448]

I6.3   15:00   Information management for engineering sciences. *Weiten M., Goers B., Wozny G., Jekel M. (Tech. Univ., Berlin, DE) [486]

15:20   Coffee break and poster session

I6.4   16:00   Algorithmic synthesis of an azeotropic-distillation system: production of pure ethanol revisited. *Novaki S., Bertok B., Friedler F., Fan L. T.1, Feng G.1 (Univ. Veszprem, HU; 1Kansas State Univ., Manhattan KS, US) [394]

I6.5   16:20   Incorporating heat integration in batch process scheduling. *Adonyi R., Romero J.1, Puigjaner L.1, Friedler F. (Univ. Veszprem, HU; 1Univ. Polytech. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [475]

I6.6   16:40   Influence of variations in cost factors in structural optimisation of heat recovery systems with moist air streams. *Soderman J., Pettersson F. (Abo Akademi Univ., FI) [485]

I6.7   17:00   Universal plant model for production planning. Cheung K.-Y., *Wenkai Li, Hui C.-W., Sakamoto H.1, Hirata K.1, O'Young L.2 (Hong Kong Univ. Sci. Technol., CN; 1Mitsubishi Chem. Corp., Yokkaichi Mie, JP; 2MC Res. Innov. Cent., Mt. View CA, US) [380]

I7 - Thursday morning
Compact heat exchangers course

  9:00   Welcome and Course introduction

  9:30   Overview of heat exchanger types

10:15   Process integration and heat exchanger networks

11:15   Exchangers with cross-corrugated passages and design details

13:30   Design exploration with plate heat exchangers

13:45   Plate-fin heat exchangers

14:30   Design exploration with plate-fin heat exchangers

15:00   Recent advances in shell and tube heat exchanger technology

15:45   Recent advances in CHE technology

16:15   Final discussion

Course Leader: V. Wadekar, Hyprotech UK Ltd, UK Speakers: P. Stehlik, Tech. Univ., Brno, CZ; R. Smith, UMIST, Manchester, UK; J. Klemes, UMIST, UK.

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