Lectures B

B1 Lectures - Monday morning

Separation processes and equipment


Chairmen: V. Jiricny, N. N. Kulov

B1.1 9.30 Dynamics of evaporation. V. V. Dil'man, V. A. Lotkhov, *N. N. Kulov, V. I. Naidenov1 (Inst. Gen. Inorg. Chem., Moskva, RU; 1Inst. Water Probl., Moskva, RU) [678]

B1.2 10.00 Droplet dispersion in a rectangular Venturi scrubber. J. A. S. Goncalves, M. A. M. Costa, *J. R. Coury (Univ. Fed. Sao Carlos, BR) [1037]

B1.3 10.30 Inherently reliable compact gas scrubbing and liquor stripping. *J. W. Stairmand, P. Chuchvalec1 (AEA Technology, Warrington, UK; 1AEA Technology, Praha, CZ) [1212]

B1.4 11.00 Calorimetric studies of CO2 absorption into Ca(OH)2 aqueous slurries. *H. Kierzkowska-Pawlak, R. Zarzycki (Tech. Univ., Lodz, PL) [603]

B1.5 11.30 Release of carbon dioxide from natural gas with TMBPA water solution. *L. Kotsis, Z. Nagy1, A. Vago2 (Univ. Veszprem, HU; 1Alkoto Pannon, Veszprem, HU; 2MOL, Kiskunhalas, HU) [667]

B1.7 12.00 Continuously gas-liquid reactor of foam-vortex type. V. A. Plotnikov, *E. F. Stefoglo, I. V. Kuchin (Kuzbass State Tech. Univ., Kemerovo, RU) [545]

B2 Lectures - Monday afternoon

Separation processes and equipment


Chairmen: C. Boyer, V. Stanek

B2.1 14.00 Development of a new gamma-ray tomographic system to investigate two-phase gas/liquid flows inside trickle bed reactor of large diameter. *C. Boyer, B. Fanget, S. Legoupil1 (Inst. Fr. Pet., Vernaison, FR; 1Comm. Energie At., Gif sur Yvette, FR) [588]

B2.2 14.30 Transients of the hydrodynamics of packed bed gas-liquid column around the flooding point. *P. Svoboda, V. Stanek, V. Jiricny, J. Ondracek (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [538]

B2.3 15.00 Hydrodynamics of packed bed and bubble bed columns in series. *J. Ondracek, V. Jiricny, V. Stanek, P. Svoboda (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [540]

B2.4 15.30 Hydraulic and mass transfer characteristics of Newtonian liquids in ejector loop reactors. *A. Elguzli, J. Zahradnik, V. Linek1 (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam, Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [702]

B2.5 16.00 Absorption of poorly soluble gases in co-current packed bed column by transient technique. *H. Vychodilova, V. Stanek, V. Jiricny (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [537]

B2.6 16.30 Analysis and modeling of highly effective processes of iodine extraction from water of oil deposits by air-desorption method. O. A. Geldiev, V. N. Pisarenko, *D. V. Belyi, A. M. Vasetsky (Mendeleyev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [335]

B2.7 17.00 On flows arrangement in packed bed gas absorber. *M. C. Amiri, N. Hatami (Isfahan Univ. Technol., IR) [1316]

B3 Lectures - Tuesday morning

Separation processes and equipment

Adsorption and ion exchange

Chairmen: J. Mrowiec-Bialon, M. Kocirik

B3.1 9.30 Mass transfer mechanisms during the devolatilization of polymers. *I. Gestring, D. Mewes (Inst. Verfahrenstechnik, Hannover, DE) [539]

B3.2 9.55 Removal of hydrogen sulfide by using a natural zeolite, clinoptilolite. *I. Ar, S. Yasyerli (Gazi Univ., Maltepe, TR) [744]

B3.3 10.20 Preparation and properties of composite inorganic adsorbents of water vapor. *J. Mrowiec-Bialon, A. I. Lachowski, A. B. Jarzebski1 (Inst. Chem. Eng., Gliwice, PL; 1Silesian Tech. Univ., Gliwice, PL) [930]

B3.4 10.45 Carbon molecular sieves from bituminous and walnut shells coal by controlled coke deposition. *E. David, V. Stanciu, D. Stefanescu, D. Axente1 (Nat. Inst. Cryog. Isot. Technol., Rm. Valcea, RO; 1Inst. Isot. Molec. Technol., Cluj-Napoca, RO) [780]

B3.5 11.10 Simultaneous catalytic reaction and separation by PSA process in a simulated moving bed. *S. Pakseresht, M. M. Akbarnejad, M. Kazemeini1 (Res. Inst. Pet. Ind., Tehran, IR; 1Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [582]

B3.6 11.35 Adsorption of chlorinated phenols from aqueous solutions onto activated carbon from apricot stones. B. Koumanova, *P. Peeva (Univ. Chem. Technol. Metall., Sofia, BG) [836]

B5 Lectures - Wednesday morning

Symposium on supercritical fluids

Chairmen: R. Eggers, H. Sovova

B5.1 9.30 Acid gas extraction of pyridine from water. A. Laitinen (VTT Chem. Technol., FI) [366]

B5.2 9.55 Resolution of tetramisole by supercritical fluid extraction. *E. Szekely, S. Keszei, B. Simandi, E. Fogassy, S. Kemeny (Tech. Univ. Budapest, HU) [962]

B5.3 10.20 How to couple at the best supercritical fluids with cross-flow membrane filtration to get new highly efficient and environment safeguarding processes ? S. Sarrade, *G. M. Rios1 (CEA VALRHO, Pierrelatte, FR; 1UMR, Montpellier, FR) [1119]

B5.4 10.45 Etheric oil from garlic (Allium sativum L.) obtained by CO2 - SFE: Comparison with steam distillation. *D. Skala, R. Kucic, I. Zizovic, D. Jovanovic1 (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, YU; 1IChTM, Beograd, YU) [1011]

B5.5 11.05 Sealless delivery of supercritical gases with canned motor pumps. *R. Kramer, R. Neumaier (Hermetic Pumpen, Gundelfingen, DE) [999]

B5.6 11.25 High pressure processes. *Z. Knez, M. Skerget (Univ. Maribor, SI) [561]

B5.7 11.50 Adsorption of organic compounds from supercritical carbon dioxide. *G. Del Re, L. Aloisio1, S. Sevi1, G. Di Giacomo (Univ. L'Aquila, Monteluco di Roio, IT; 1CRAB, Avezzano, IT) [1177]

B5.8 12.10 Effect of reaction mixture non-ideality on the Fischer-Tropsch reaction rate in supercritical solvent. *V. I. Anikeev, A. Ermakova (Inst. Catal., Novosibirsk, RU) [1326]

B6 Lectures - Wednesday afternoon

Symposium on supercritical fluids

Chairmen: D. Skala, E. Szekely

B6.1 14.00 Wetting characteristics and mass transfer in countercurrent extraction using supercritical carbon dioxide. P. Jaeger, *R. Eggers (Tech. Univ. Hamburg-Harnburg, DE) [33]

B6.2 14.25 Numerical simulation of tracer dispersion in sub- and supercritical water during laminar tube flow. *J. Pruba, G. Rogacki (Tech. Univ. Lodz, PL) [560]

B6.3 14.50 Lipases from different sources in dense gases. *M. Habulin, Z. Knez, V. Krmelj (Univ. Maribor, SI) [562]

B6.4 15.15 Characteristics of supercritical fluid extraction from the statistical theory of Kihara molecule fluids. T. Boublik (Charles Univ., Praha, CZ) [1150]

B6.5 15.40 Solubility of solid heavy hydrocarbons mixture in supercritical fluid using modified SRK EOS with the help of van der Waals mixing rules. *I. Goodarznia, F. Esmaeilzadeh (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [136]

B6.6 16.00 Effect of third component on the solubility of vegetable substances in supercritical CO2. *H. Sovova, R. P. Stateva1 (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Eng., Sofia, BG) [920]

B6.7 16.20 S-L phase transitions of the vitamins K3, D3 and D2 in carbon dioxide, n-propane, dimethylether, nitrogen and argon. *M. Skerget, Z. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [623]

B6.8 16.40 Influence of supercritical water density on the rate of 2-propanol dehydration reaction. *V. Anikeev, J. Manion1, A. Ermakova (Inst. Catal., Novosibirsk, RU; 1NIST, Gaithersburg MD, US) [1333]

B7 Lectures - Thursday morning

Separation processes and equipment


Chairmen: H.-J. Bart, J. Prochazka

B7.1 9.30 Separation of phenolic derivateves by application of dissociation extraction. *D. Hutton, A. Heyberger1, D. Menu, I. Godwin, P. Myburgh (CSIR, Modderfontein, ZA; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1344]

B7.2 10.00 Reactive mass transfer fundamentals in liquid-liquid systems. *H.-J. Bart, M. Morters (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE) [404]

B7.3 10.30 Extraction of dicarboxylic acids with tertiary amine in binary diluents. *J. Prochazka, A. Heyberger, E. Volaufova (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [302]

B7.4 11.00 Equilibrium extraction of Cr(VI) salts by primary amine. *D. Schrotterova, P. Nekovar (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1009]

B7.5 11.30 Electric field intensified oil-water separation under downhole and subsea conditions. *T. Pekdemir, G. Akay, B. Schleicher1 (Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; 1Norsk Hydro, Porsgrunn, NO) [25]

B7.6 12.00 Phase inversion based approach for mixer-settler design. *D. Hadjiev, J. B. A. Paulo1, N. Sabiri, M. C. Chiavenato1 (Univ. Caen, FR; 1UFRN, Natal, BR) [153]

B8 Lectures - Thursday afternoon

Separation processes and equipment


Chairmen: D. Schrotterova, A. M. Spasic

B8.2 14.00 Micro, nano, and atto dispersed systems: general approach and emulsions as the particular case-Part I. *A. M. Spasic, M. D. Babic, M. M. Marinko, N. N. Djokovic, D. N. Krstic1 (Inst. Technol. Nucl. Min. Raw Mat., Beograd, YU; 1Univ. Belgrade, YU) [147]

B8.3 14.30 Micro, nano, and atto dispersed systems: experimental implications-Part II. *A. M. Spasic, M. D. Babic, M. M. Marinko, N. N. Djokovic, D. N. Krstic1 (Inst. Technol. Nucl. Min. Raw Mat., Beograd, YU; 1Univ. Belgrade, YU) [148]

B8.4 15.00 Effect of drop size distribution on liquid-liquid extraction column performance. D. Bastani (Sharif. Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [1138]

B8.5 15.30 A Monte Carlo stochastic simulation method for prediction the hydrodynamic behaviour of a rotating disc contactor with effect of drop breakage. J. S. Ghalehchian (Univ. Bu-Ali Sina, Hamadan, IR) [470]

B8.6 16.00 A novel technique for liquid - liquid extraction. A. Molaei, *T. Kaghazchi, M. Sohrabi (AmirKabir Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [175]

B8.7 16.30 Application of CGA for whey protein recovery. M. C. Amiri (Isfahan Univ. Technol., Isfahan, IR) [107]

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